CSR ActivitiesCSR


Quality and environmental policies

NTT LOGISCO would like to make a steady contribution based on the Quality and Environmental Management Program that we have developed, aiming to become an environmentally-friendly company.


NTT LOGISCO Inc. gains customer satisfaction by providing safe, secure, high-quality, cost efficient, environmentally-friendly logistics services, and all employees make their best effort for the protection of the global environment.


  1. NTT LOGISCO has established and maintains a quality and environmental management system, provides consistent improvement and strives to improve productivity and quality to reduce the burden on the environment and prevent pollution, increasing customer satisfaction through production and quality improvement of logistics services.
  2. NTT LOGISCO complies with laws and regulatory requirements on quality and the environment, as well as other requirements that the company has agreed to.
  3. NTT LOGISCO focuses on the following initiatives
    • Quality improvement of logistics services
      Implement continuous improvement activities through 2S improvements and LGPS (LOGISCO Production System) , improve productivity and quality and gain customer satisfaction, eliminating customer complaints and accidents.
    • Provision of eco-friendly services
    • Promotion of Resource Saving 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  4. To achieve these policies NTT LOGISCO develops goals, promotes them in a planned manner, and reviews them on a regular basis.
  5. NTT LOGISCO provides education and enlightenment programs across the company to increase quality awareness and the skills of each employee, as well as environmental consciousness.

~Dissemination of these quality and environmental policies is made both internally and externally.~

June 18, 2021 NTT LOGISCO Inc. Koji NAKANE
Representative Director and President

Environmental initiatives

Promotion of 3Re services

NTT Logisco is committed to "3R(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)" as part of its quality and environmental policy, while at the same time providing "3Re (Reuse), (Repair), and (Recycle) services" to support the reduction of environmental impact in the supply chain of customers' businesses.

Reuse Refurbishing services for rental communications equipment and audio equipment, cleaning of medical equipment, reuse of satellite phones, etc.
Repair Collection and repair arrangements for malfunctioning mobile terminals, recycling of used mail-order products, etc.
Recycle Collection and recycling of confidential documents (SS-BOX)

Promotion of joint delivery and modal shift

NTT LOGISCO thoroughly promotes joint delivery, where the cargoes of several customers are combined and delivered in a single vehicle, to increase logistics efficiency. We also promote modal shift, where cargoes are transported by train and ferry, which emit less CO2 compared to land transportation. With these initiatives, we transported 2,330 tons of cargo by train in 2014. We would like to continue engaging in reducing CO2 emissions.

Promotion of other environmental activities

  • NTT LOGISCO undertakes efforts to decrease the use of electricity and gas as an energy saving initiative.
  • NTT LOGISCO promotes the reduction of paper use and green procurement as a waste reduction initiative.
  • NTT LOGISCO requests the cooperation of partner companies to turn off engines when vehicles are stopped as a gas emission reduction initiative.

To Realize a low carbon society

We promote energy saving measures by implementing solar power generation systems and the adoption of LED lights for lighting as part of our global environmental conservation measures.

  1. We have installed solar power generation systems at four logistics centers across Japan to contribute to global environmental conservation using renewable energy and efficiently use the rooftops of warehouses.
  2. To reduce electricity consumption, we have adopted LED lights for lighting in warehouses, as well as for all lighting when newly establishing a warehouse. As for lighting in existing warehouses with fluorescent lights, we encourage them to shift to LED lighting in a phased manner when they renew their lighting and in line with their cargo movements. LED lights can mean a reduction of about 1 million kW/h (equivalent to about 530t CO2 reduction) a year compared to fluorescent lights.

Social contribution activities

Local cleanup activities

Offices and centers of NTT LOGISCO carry out cleanup activities of the surrounding streets on a regular basis.

Social contribution through AED installation

NTT LOGISCO has installed an AED* at each site and is working on presenting a notice of the installation at the entrance so that residents in the area can also use it for first-aid treatment.

*At our Heiwajima Building headquarters, an AED is installed near the elevator hall on the 7th floor. Please let the staff know when you need it.